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Between the real and unreal: Perceiving life, experience, and reality in a virtual world

Humans have questioned and wondered what reality is for centuries. But now, with technological advancement and our reliance on the digital, new questions emerge; How real are virtual worlds? Are virtual experiences equal to those in the ‘real’ world? Although these questions are not entirely new, they evoke a sense of urgency and continue to stay relevant as we move into an increasingly digital lifestyle.

Between the real and unreal deals with reality and experience, both digital and non-digital. As a concept, this is quite abstract intangible, and there was a challenge in materialising these ideas. How can the two realities exist together? How can we move between them? Are they even separate? And how to show all of this in a publication?

The publication consists of a book and a website. Together they make the full (hybrid) publication where both parts are necessary to form the full picture. The two components refer to each other and gradually become more intertwined. One is not complete without the other.