
- cross-platform/transmedia storytelling - ARGs

- perception of information we find online vs 'offline' - what do we believe more and why? who has the authority to decide?

- (post-truth)

- loneliness of modern life - solving puzzles together (online), collaborative working towards a goal

- gamification (in storytelling) 

ARG or Alternate Reality Game

From Wikipedia:

An alternate reality game (ARG) is an interactive networked narrative that uses the real world as a platform and employs transmedia storytelling to deliver a story that may be altered by players' ideas or actions.

The form is defined by intense player involvement with a story that takes place in real time and evolves according to players' responses. Subsequently, it is shaped by characters that are actively controlled by the game's designers, as opposed to being controlled by an algorithm as in a computer or console video game. Players interact directly with characters in the game, solve plot-based challenges and puzzles, and collaborate as a community to analyze the story and coordinate real-life and online activities. ARGs generally use multimedia, such as telephones, email, and mail but rely on the Internet as the central binding medium.

Alternate Reality Gaming (also known as beasting, unfiction, or immersive fiction) is an interactive fusion of creative writing, puzzle-solving, and team-building, with a dose of role playing thrown in. It utilizes several forms of media in order to pass clues to the players, who solve puzzles in order to win pieces of the story being played out.

Clues can be passed through web pages, email, voicemail, snail mail, television advertisements, movie posters, campus billboards, newspaper classifieds… really, in any way that information can be passed.

Many times, the puzzles that must be solved cannot be solved alone. This genre of game almost requires participation in a group or community that works together to win past the more difficult hurdles.

Beasting is unique in that it wouldn't be possible without the community-building and networking power of the Internet. Besides the obvious fact that there would be no web pages or email in which to hide clues, it would be nearly impossible for the diverse audience to coordinate the sheer amount of data, speculation, and solutions among players.

Transmedia storytelling

From Wikipedia:

Transmedia storytelling (also known as transmedia narrative or multiplatform storytelling) is the technique of telling a single story or story experience across multiple platforms and formats using current digital technologies.

The study of transmedia storytelling—a concept introduced by Henry Jenkins, author of the seminal book Convergence Culture—is an emerging subject. Because of the nature of new media and different platforms, varying authors have different understandings of it. Jenkins states the term "transmedia" means "across media" and may be applied to superficially similar, but different phenomena. In particular, the concept of "transmedia storytelling" should not to be confused with traditional cross-platform, "transmedia" media franchises,[1] or "media mixes".

Henry Jenkins - Transmedia storytelling 101
some websites/places
to-do list / read about this more / sources & references

Can an ARG run automatically?
Research paper

◉ I am Sophie ARG
Google document with timeline + analysis

◉ Death Grips album release ARG

◯ ARG for education / learning
Using an alternate reality game to teach information literacy
Alternate Reality Games: Platforms for Collaborative Learning

◉ Junko Junsui ARG
The Fake 'Terrorist' Conspiracy Game That Fooled People For Years - Summary but also comments from the developers!
Who Is Junko Junsui? - Inside A Mind (YouTube)
Game Worlds Invade the Real World with Rob Auten on MIND & MACHINE - Junko Junsui ARG (YouTube)

◉ Cicada 3301

The Sun Vanished (@TheSunVanished) - Twitter account / ARG - Wiki
The Strange Case Of @TheSunVanished - Inside A Mind (YouTube) - 2018
What Happened To @TheSunVanished Twitter Account? - Inside A Mind (YouTube) - 2019

DAD YouTube channel ARG (subreddit)

This is not a game: A guide to alternate reality gaming

Immersive alternate reality game - Google Patents

Storytelling in new media: The case of alternate reality games, 2001–2009

Alternate Reality Gaming: Experimental social structures for MMOs

Transmedia Storytelling 101

Getting Started with Transmedia Storytelling: A practical guide for beginners

▸ Lil Miquela (possibly as an example of transmedia storytelling) - I already did research on it (& wrote an essay) but it might be interesting to look at it again (to get up to speed) and from a different angle?

Article, examples

Transmedia Storytelling: Narrative worlds, emerging technologies, and global audiences
The University of New South Wales, Sydney - Lecture

Transmedia Storytelling
MIT `technology Review, Article

Structural patterns for transmedia storytelling
Research article

New World Created by Social Media: Transmedia Storytelling
Research article

Designing a Knowledge Based Puzzle Game Case: After Now Archeology
PhD thesis, research

The Gamification of Games: When play becomes chiefly about data collection

This Is Not a Game: Conspiracy theorizing as alternate-reality game

◯✦ Writing of Jane McGonigal
'This Is Not a Game': Immersive Aesthetics and Collective Play
A Real Little Game: The Performance of Belief in Pervasive Play
This Might Be a Game: Ubiquitous Play and Performance at the Turn of the Twenty-First Century PhD Thesis
All writing
references list key
◯ ARG - related / research
◉ ARG example / possible case study
▹ transmedia storytelling research
▸ transmedia storytelling example
✦ misc. / games
A Real Little Game: The Performance of Belief in Pervasive Play

The “online brain”: how the Internet may be changing our cognition

Real life (From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)

Motivations of Play in Online Games

Interrelations Between Virtual-World and Real-World Activities: Comparison of Genders, Age Groups, and Pathological and Nonpathological Internet Users

The Digital Ruins of a Forgotten Future (~9000 words)

The Virtual and the Real (~17000 words - with sources + footnotes)
see midterm progress here